Original Star Wars Trilogy
Brad asked me recently to do a write-up on each of the films that have earned a place in the AV Pantheon, and I agreed. But that means I am now burdened with the surprisingly difficult task of putting into words something that I feel almost everyone in the world should already know -- that Star Wars is one of the most successful, spectacular and endearing film franchises of all time, and that it is well-deserving of our highest praise and our most genuine honors. When the Pantheon first began, before any of the council members had nominated films of their own, the original trilogy (Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi) was voted in as a kind of symbol going forward -- a reminder to everyone that voting YES on a Pantheon nomination means you believe that film belongs on a pedestal next to Star Wars. So you had better be able to justify that claim.
Star Wars is a film franchise that accomplished the impossible, it: saved a dying production company, revitalizing 20th Century Fox into one of the most powerful media conglomerates of our time; launched the careers of a number of young and barely-known actors, immortalizing them as the shining Hollywood stars that we still discuss today; fundamentally changed the American film industry, refocusing Hollywood films toward sprawling, special-effects-laden affairs, and establishing the concept of the "summer blockbuster" as we know it now; impacted pop-culture in ways that it would never even begin to imagine -- EVERYTHING has been touched by Star Wars, in some form or another, from world politics to religion, even the sciences of aeronautics and biology (ever heard of a Wockia Chewbacca? Its a type of moth. How about a Peckoltia Greedoi? Its a catfish that looks like a Rodian. Or an Aptostichus Sarlacc? Its a trapdoor spider named after the infamous monster from Return of the Jedi. I'M NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP.)
Star Wars is everywhere.
The films were inspired by the masterworks of Akira Kurosawa (much has been made of their connection to Hidden Fortress and Yojimbo, and for good reason), and in turn, they have inspired countless others -- from Mel Brooks and Seth Green to Weird Al Yankovic and, yes, to enough members of the AV council that it was allowed into the Pantheon as the very first entry. We could spend hours discussing the importance of these films -- their impact on our popular culture cannot be overstated -- but simply put, the truth is that Star Wars is the reason why groups like Adventures in Videoland exist, and if that doesn't qualify it for Pantheon, I don't know what would.
Impressive, most impressive
-Nathan Plantenga, Videoland Staff Writer
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this review are those of the Pantheon Council and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Nathan Plantenga