Watchmen vs Incredibles
Let's talk about two movies that deconstruct the superhero genre. Although they have very different tones, they are very similar in plot.
Watchmen is a cult classic and quite possibly the most underrated superhero movie of the 21st century. It is adapted from one of the most influential graphic novels of all time.
The Incredibles won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2004, has been met with universal acclaim, and is considered a Pixar masterpiece.
Let's talk about superheroes!!
Best Film Location: Inc Mr. Incredible's Trophy Room
Best Character: Watchmen Nite Owl
Best Screen Duo: Inc Bob & Helen Parr
Best Villain/Antagonist: Watchmen Ozymandias
Best Hero/Protagonist: Watchmen Rorschach
Best Kill: Watchmen Ozymandias killing millions to stop WW3
WTF: Johnny Depp was going to play The Comedian
Best Score or Soundtrack: Watchmen Tyler Bates
Best Quote: Watchmen Syndrome: " You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
Best Screenplay: Watchmen David Hayter & Alex Tse
Best Cinematography/Animation: Inc Tony Fucile, Teddy Newton and others
Best Supporting Actress: Inc Brad Bird (Listen to podcast)
Best Supporting Actor: Watchmen Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Best Actress: Inc Holly Hunter
Best Actor: Watchmen Jackie Earl Haley
Best Scene: Inc Vintage-style Newsreel
Defining Moment: Watchmen Opening Credits Montage
Best Director: Watchmen Zack Synder
Wild Card: Watchmen Costumes with emphasis on Ozy's suit
Best Picture: Watchmen
Total after deductions:
Watchmen: 13
The Incredibles: 6
Best Film Location: Inc Syndrome's Evil Lair
Best Character: Watchmen Rorschach
Best Screen Duo: Inc Mr. Incredible & Frozone
Best Villain/Antagonist: Watchmen The Comedian
Best Hero/Protagonist: Inc Mr. Incredible
Best Kill: Inc Syndrome cape kill
WTF: Watchmen Mars scene
Best Score or Soundtrack: Watchmen Tyler Bates
Best Quote: Watchmen Rorschach: " ....You're locked in here with me."
Best Screenplay: Watchmen David Hayter & Alex Tse
Best Cinematography/Animation: Watchmen Larry Fong
Best Supporting Actress: Inc Brad Bird (Listen to podcast)
Best Supporting Actor: Watchmen Matt Frewer
Best Actress: Watchmen Malin Akerman
Best Actor: Watchmen Patrick Wilson
Best Scene: Watchmen Comedian jumping out of Archie
Defining Moment: Inc Mr. Incredible admitting he's weak without family
Best Director: Watchmen Zack Snyder
Wild Card: Inc Syndrome's costume
Best Picture: Watchmen
Total after deductions:
Watchmen: 12
The Incredibles: 7
Best Film Location: Watchmen Mars
Best Character: Watchmen Rorschach
Best Screen Duo: Inc Bob & Helen Parr
Best Villain/Antagonist: Watchmen Ozymandias
Best Hero/Protagonist: Watchmen Nite Owl
Best Kill: Watchmen Rorschach fryer kill
WTF: Terry Gilliam almost directed the Watchmen
Best Score or Soundtrack: Watchmen Tyler Bates
Best Quote: Watchmen Rorschach: " ....You're locked in here with me."
Best Screenplay: Watchmen David Hayter & Alex Tse
Best Cinematography/Animation: Watchmen Larry Fong
Best Supporting Actress: Watchmen Carla Gugino
Best Supporting Actor: Watchmen Patrick Wilson
Best Actress: Inc Holly Hunter
Best Actor: Watchmen Jackie Earl Haley
Best Scene: Watchmen Ending
Defining Moment: Watchmen The Comedian setting fire to the map
Best Director: Inc Brad Bird
Wild Card: Watchmen Dr. Manhattan
Best Picture: Watchmen
Total after deductions:
Watchmen: 16
The Incredibles: 3