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Critics with attitude

A.V. Opinions: Darth Kathleen Kennedy needs to step down as Star Wars head honcho

The Star Wars franchise, once a beloved and revered cultural institution, is in shambles. Despite the box office success of the sequel trilogy, the brand has suffered significantly under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy. While her resume is impressive, her tenure as President of Lucasfilm has been marked by a string of controversies, director firings, and canceled projects. Kennedy's disconnect from the fanbase is glaring. She has failed to understand what makes Star Wars tick, instead opting for a soulless, corporate approach that prioritizes profit over passion. The result is a divided fanbase, with many feeling disillusioned and disenfranchised by the direction of the franchise.

The list of fired directors and canceled projects is staggering. Phil Lord and Chris Miller were infamously let go from Solo: A Star Wars Story, while Colin Trevorrow was axed from Episode IX. Other projects, like the rumored Obi-Wan Kenobi film and the Game of Thrones creators' series, have been abandoned or put on indefinite hold. Kennedy's leadership style has been criticized for being dictatorial and micromanaging, stifling creativity and driving talent away. The constant announcements of new projects and directors, only to be met with silence or cancellation, have become a joke.

In short, if I sucked at my job as badly as Kathleen Kennedy sucks at hers, I'd be fired. If I ruined my employers brand and made it undesirable, I’d be fired. Kathleen Kennedy may have been a great producer at one point, but she can’t run a studio for poodoo. The constant changes in direction, the lack of a clear vision, and the underwhelming quality have taken a toll on the brand's reputation. It's time for a change in leadership and a fresh perspective. Star Wars needs a new vision, a new hope to bring the fanbase back together. It's time for her to step down and let someone with a true understanding of the franchise take the reins. I think that's the only way we can unite Star Wars fans globally and give the brand a chance to start fresh. It’s time to wipe the slate clean and bring back wonder and excitement to a galaxy far, far away. #MakeStarWarsGreatAgain

-Brad McBoom